So today was the day Aloe left us.
It was a rather sad day, but quite happy at the same time.
I had just finished giving him a bath when she arrived.
The sweetest girl you'd ever meet! She was such an animal lover, her sister said if they let her she'd have 1000000 ferrets haha I could definately relate.
I didn't cry this time around, though I truly wanted to.
He was a sweetheart while it lasted, very loving and now he's gone to a better place, never to know the horrors of what was bestowed upon him when he first left the petstore.
That poor abused thing is very happy now. I have all her contact information and will definately keep in touch.
Running a rescue is hard because you get so attatched so quickly. But you know it's for the best. Especially in my case.
I meerely LOOK at a ferret and I'm in love :C
But it's ok now.
She called and let me know she got home safely and he was exploring her house and she was following him and he was definately dooking.
That brought so much joy to my heart.
I also, at the last minute found out something very cute about him.
He loves playing Peekaboo.
In other news I took Actinite out and about again and got him a brand new collar, a nice Green, since he sports it so well.
He also, every time we go to Petco HAS to have a Loofah Dog >:C Like he STEALS it off the shelf and puts it in the basket when we're not looking
So I broke down today and got him one xD lol!