Someone from the humane society contacted me asking me if I was interested in two they had available at the moment.
They have to go together but they are fun and cuddly.
A sable and a silver. I'm quite willing but I don't know at the same time, what do you all think?
Today I wanted to talk about some of the ferrets that have been rescued and passed to the rainbow bridge.

We met Ivy and Sumac, I took to Ivy right away.
She was a sweet quiet girl, but I noticed she started feeling quiet and ill after a month or so. She wasn't acting herself.
I held her, hoping it would pass. I wrapped her in her favorite towel and she cuddled with me and fell asleep.
Unfortunately during that cuddle, she passed peacefully in my arms.

I personally think he wanted to be by her side, he may have known something was wrong and wanted to hold on a little longer.
If you have the abilities and the resources, and the time, of course... x3 Maybe you should give it a try with those two? You know, if people are contacting you, then they know you're doing a good job with the fuzzies. That's a lot of trust they have in you. :3 <3
ReplyDeleteIvy looks so beautiful in pictures. Actually, each time I saw her she reminded me of my Pike, maybe because they both have that sweet, caring look to them. (At least, that's what I see in Pike too... xD). <3
And Sumac, I remember always thinking about how fluffy he was in that picture! I bet it was, indeed, loosing Ivy that made him sad. I've talked to people, and some just don't realize that ferrets get attached to other ferrets just as much as we get attached to other people. When one ferret loses their friend that they've known for years, they mourn along with the rest of us... :C
<3<3<3 Much love to Ivy and Sumac, I'm sure they're dooking it up at the Rainbow Bridge now, and having a blast up there. :3