Larkspur has turned into a complete Momma's boy.
I was waiting for the icecream man, and had Larkspur came with me.
No leash no nothing.
Just sitting next to me and posing.
He never runs off and always stays very closeby.
Today, he stayed closer than usual, crawling up my arm and my legs and around my neck.
I'd get kisses after kisses and it just made me feel more wonderful by the minute! :D
Actinite has always been the momma's boy and I never really expected Larkspur to become such a ham.
He never left my side, we stayed out for an hour, just waiting.
He posed, he slept, he watched cars, but never left my side.
I can honestly say I'm very happy.
Another thing is my boys get along so well! O:
Shamrock decided it was hyper tiem
Everyone joined in!
iT WAS AMAZING watching them all bounce and play.
Hell even Larkspur has started with this new move where he stands on his hind legs and grabs in a huggy motion with his front legs.
My babes are such a blessing.
I love them so much!
Wow. I wish I could take my guys out (I can't even get a harness on them. And I know that I'd never be able to trust them not to run off). Ferret-y kisses are the best :)