Monday, July 20, 2009

My baby is back

Actinite, I believe has felt... pretty left out since Sycamore(I'll post about him later) has taken up a good deal of time, settling him in and trying to keep an eye on him with his missing tooth, making sure he can eat and whatnot.

Well, I just assumed Actinite was an independent ferret now is all.

Today was bath day.

Actinite, when drying off, would scale up my leg and up my shirt to lay across my shoulders and groom me.

I would put him down when trying to wrangle Locus and Honeysuckle together. They're toe nippers.

Actinite is one of my older ones, owning wise.(Many others are lots older, but he has been in MY life as long as Nightshade has.

Anyhow, I put him down again and the picture above was taken. He climbed over everyone, ontop of them, onto the toilet and back on my lap to my shoulder.

He was making the loudest dooking sounds I've ever heard.

I left him on my shoulder and well.. he didn't complain.

I love my Actinite <3

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dook Dook Dook - Changes

Alright. Well.. A long time ago I went to a petstore, one that did not have a good rep and saw a poor little ferret who had just come in with his eye crusted shut.
The people didn't bother to do anything about it so I kept calling for the manager till they did.
The other day I walked back into that filthy, nasty petstore and noticed... hey... he's still here and crammed in a very small space with about 10 others.
The other 10 have become vicious and craving human interaction all at once.
The same kit I had seen had gotten huge, his sad eyes met mine and I choked.
It was him.
He was so large for the small enclosure, I could feel my heart sink completely.
He got so excited when he saw me, mind you, it's been about 6 months since I saw him last.
The man who owned the store walked by and stopped abruptly at the ferrets excitement exclaiming that he had not even seen that ferret that happy ever and that alot of people came to the store on a daily basis and he would not pay any mind. Yet when I arrived he was wardancing, trying to get into my arms and showering me with kisses.

I was determined, when I noticed that he didn't do that to anyone else, and the conditions in which he was in... covered in sawdust... and poop... He had injuries on him from his cagemates... My heart, once again sunk.

I opened up donations for art(yes, if you donated you're getting art omg) , and plenty of wonderful people helped me get ot my goal.

I drove quickly to the store once I got to my goala nd sure enough he was still there.

Got him, and to the vet he went.
Apparently clean bill of health is clean :)


He is settled nicely into our lives, loving the space his simple quarentine cage has o_o; (the quarentine cage is a simple SUPERPETS my first home one... and he's seriously OVERWHELMED by the size. hehe )

I had promised myself I wouldn't get another fuzzy... but hell.. It was love at first sight when I saw him as a tiny kit... back then...

Also, lately, I've noticed how crazy the boys are and how laid back the girls are.
I was looking at the local Flyer yesterday and saw a free ferret cage. Suspicious, I called the person, asking about the size.
It turns out it's a Fiesty Ferret, the only thing is it's missing the panels and the ramps.
Well. that wasn't too big of a deal, we can buy some ramps and stuff at a later date <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Clover Post

Man. I remember when Clover would NOT EAT.

Now... she TRIES to eat EVERYTHING.

It still, every time I see her eating brings a huge joy to my heart. I don't know why, I have a sense of pride that I've brought her this far.

She's also become such a momma's girl, every time I get up or she sees me she cage rages.

I don't know why... but it's just... gah. So wonderful.

I can't say I've never been happier.


Also my friend found some rugs in her house, mini rugs. She cleaned them, disinfected them and fitted them them so they fit my cage.

They're fluffy, and comfy, the babes always loved them when we went to her house for a visit. So... the babes are outside playing with my fiance, but when he brings them up I'm very excited to see their reactions! :D

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The owner?

Oh yeah! I EXIST O_O;

I thought I'd post I do have a facebook!

One of you found me already <3 to you gurlie!

or add megan stabler (the one who lives in Tampa Bay , FL) lol!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Bathday was fun the other day.
Clover was very tolerant
Actinite was the usual
Larkspur said it was SWIMMING TIME
Shamrock decided taking a running jump out of the bathtub was a good idea.
Nightshade just took it with a grain of salt and Thyme took it with great joy!

I'm so glad Clover was so leniant with it and letting me do what I needed to do to get her cleaned up.

Drying time was the best, seeing bottlebrushed tails, wardances and dooks galore!
I got this beautiful pic of Clover just licking herself dry, it was just a purely lucky shot and I'm so glad to have gotten it.


I love his picture so much lol.

I love my ferrets and dunno what I'd do without them. :3 <3



Friday, April 3, 2009

You learn something new EVERY DAY

Shy little Clover.
Timid little Clover.
Frightened Little Clover.

Once out of her shell is HAVOC ON WHEELS!

I turned my back for one second and she had found a way to climb up on the counter, now she's climbing everything @_@


Very adventurous woozle is very adventurous xD





Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Other Mustelid Love <3

Totally IN LOVE <3333

Clover <3

Here is my Clover baby, doing what I call the otter lay. She had her paws laid out like a little otter, before the picture, she was completely on her back, not her side. She was dooking <3

Her previous owner informed me that she was NOT a kisser, that she was so mean and never played.

Today I got many kisses, I got many dookings and I got many many many wardances. She's very shy, but if you have a bottle or a bouncy ball she'll come running.

She's gotten so chubby, compared to what she was before she came here. She's gained about half a pound. ;D I'm so proud of her.
She had her first bath the other day and loved it alot.

But still, her eating has made me so happy <3

Wanna Sport your Ferrety Love?

She is liek an awesome friend to me and she does the CUTEST ferret stuff ever.

Hell I have drawings by her thanks to a friend of my babes :3

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Larkspur... oh you silly devil

Larkspur took it upon himself to sniff the bottom of my foot nad look at me with the most pathetic face like... 'HEY D: YOU DIDN'T TAKE ME TO THE PARK WITH ACTINITE, CLOVER AND SHAMROCK! D: '

He just had this pathetic look on his face XD


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is Clover, I've mentioned her before. I've mentioned my biggest problem with her, I've mentioned my fear of her not eating and her poops not being solid. I've also mentioned how much I fell in love with her.

At around 8 am this morning my fiance woke me up and told me to listen and watch.
Clover and Thyme's cage is at the foot of my bed in exchange for the other's cage being at the foot of my fiance's bed. lol.

Anyway I sat up in bed and heard Crunch Crunch Crunch. I told him 'Awe it's just Thyme'

So I watched and up the steps came Clover, got some more food an ran back downstairs to eat it.

Even Thyme took it upon her to get some food and put it infront of clover herself. (Awe)
I am so glad to have them be as upbeat as they have been. Both their fecal matter has been more solid, even Clover's!
They took to the food change right away.
Finally Clover's eating! I mean it's not alot! But it's more than before. I used to have to force feed her. <3

I am so happy to have them.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Jealousy is sooo cute ;D

I hate to say it, but jealousy is completely adorable with ferrets x3

I took Shamrock and one of our new babies Clover to the fleamarket the other day...
We had alot of fun, alot of bonding between Clover and I. It was a great day <3

Heck, Clover stole some of my icecream D:
I was like NOOOOOOOOOOO but it was so cute xD;
Got to see my rat's new owners and saw them too! xD

Anyway, back to the point of this post...

Actinite was acting very down, he wouldn't even play with Larkspur! D: His best buddy.
Needless to say I was worried, but I just let him sleep.

I finally had enough of this pouting at around 10 pm and picked him up, laid him in bed and curled up. He loves Clover, usually, so it was unusual for him to bottlebrush when my fiance tried to bring her to me aswell. He snuggled against me and hissed.
Musta laid there with him till 2 in the morning, he dooked the whole time.

I was frightened that he might have hated her, but they got along wonderfully the next day, I'd say it was just jealousy. If I take her somewhere again he'll come long, but I'm gonna set up a day where it's just me and him.

He's my baby, my momma's boy, my everything.

I know it's strange to say that about a ferret, but we just have something special, a bond that nobody can break or take away from us.
:3 I love making him jealous every now and then, because the moment we share afterwards is great.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Larkspur has turned into a complete Momma's boy.
I was waiting for the icecream man, and had Larkspur came with me.
No leash no nothing.
Just sitting next to me and posing.

He never runs off and always stays very closeby.
Today, he stayed closer than usual, crawling up my arm and my legs and around my neck.

I'd get kisses after kisses and it just made me feel more wonderful by the minute! :D

Actinite has always been the momma's boy and I never really expected Larkspur to become such a ham.

He never left my side, we stayed out for an hour, just waiting.
He posed, he slept, he watched cars, but never left my side.

I can honestly say I'm very happy.

Another thing is my boys get along so well! O:

Shamrock decided it was hyper tiem
Everyone joined in!

iT WAS AMAZING watching them all bounce and play.

Hell even Larkspur has started with this new move where he stands on his hind legs and grabs in a huggy motion with his front legs.


My babes are such a blessing.

I love them so much!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rescues sometimes leads to friends

My favorite re-homing story is right here.

This here is Briar. He was a sweetheart, but very frightened of people.
We worked with him for weeks on end, getting him to eat, getting him litter trained and teaching him that not all humans were bad.
The day he left was very hard on me, because even tho he was a little terror, he was a sweetheart in the end.
Little did I know his new owner called a couple days after taking him home , I was so scared something went wrong. But she was inviting me to bring my fuzzies over for dinner.

We went over and have been going over ever since.

Briar was doing great and still is, he's gaining weight.
He's healthy
He's happy
He has two beautiful sisters named Misty and Bandit.
We've been going for over a month and have become very good friends with them.

This precious little girl is Bandit. She is a complete ham. She loves Larkspur more than anything. When we go over she won't leave him alone (lol)
She is a true beauty. Very playful and very loving.
She was bought around Christmas time for the family and was one of the reasons Briar found a new home. They were looking for a ferret to play with her, since their second female was more on the quiet side.

This beautiful ferret is not only the biggest cuddler ever, she's Actinite's little Girlfriend. Like Bandit to Larkspur she won't leave him alone. She loves him and has been starting to play alot.
She's my favorite of Briar's new little group. She's so good.
Misty is a little silver girl with a little bit of a crazy side.
She doesn't like to get dirty, so no dirt for her.
She's so prissy and so beautiful.

I am so thankful to have these ferrets in my life.
I am so thankful to have their owners in my life.
I am so thankful that I run a rescue
If it wasn't for that I would never have met them. :)


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Owner is Happy

The boys are going at it! They're bouncing, hissing and playing while I rearrange their cage (I do that often so they can have some differences every so often) x3

They're dooking and going nuts! FERRETS EVERYWHERE!
They've been playing non stop for a little over an hour o.o;
Quite the energy.
They're still going strong.
I made Actinite a new toy and he's hissing at everyone who gets close to it xD

I walked over, and this is the reason I'm so happy.

Finally, for the first time since her surgery (well over 6 months ago) Nightshade is playing with them. She's stealing Actinite's toy from under him, bouncing and making this really insane adorable face like ;D
I couldn't be happier.
She's my baby even though She and I have hard times together.
It fills my heart with such joy to see her going nuts with the boys and finally back to her old self. :3
It took her a long time to recover from loosing Rath and Ara.
But I think she's finally accepted the boys as her own and I'm loving it.

Speaking of which I found some old pics of Rath and Ara on my harddrive.
So I thought I'd show you guys:

Ara enjoying some bubbles :3

The illustrious Rath at Night O:


Actinite, my baby boy. My everything.
He was the first boy, after Rath, I truly loved.
I fell in love with him right away. I even remember just wanting to stay at the petstore to take picture after picture of him.
I watched him for a while and we went home.
For our two year anniversary my boyfriend brought home a brand new cage and Actinite along with it.
I couldn't believe it.
I held onto him and didn't let go.
I was so happy to have Actinite.

He was good since the first day!
He immediately went in the litterbox, he didn't tear anything up.
The part that was hard for him is he and Nightshade got along great and suddenly she was gone for 3 days, due to her sickness.
We packed up and were ready to move, then Larkspur came into our lives.
They got along great.
Actinite was wonderful during the move.
He still remains the best of the group.

I take him everywhere
He is so well behaved.

Best ferret ever <3333333

Coat change wise, he went from being a brownish silver, to just salt and pepper now. I love it. :3


Ah, Larkspur, a favorite in the ferret communities I'm part of on LJ.
He is a beautiful boy.
When we found homes for Rath and Ara I was quite upset. I didn't really want to get another ferret.
But I missed having 3.
Max took me to the petstore to look around, and I fell in love with a big boy. A pure black ferret, the biggest of the group. Very bouncy, very silly. Just something I felt Nightshade needed after her surgery. Maybe she'd bounce back.

I knew we couldn't get him just yet.
So we saved up and went over to fetch him, but he was gone.
Instead there was one who literally LEPT into my arms when they opened the cage.
He was chocolate in color, and very sweet, he greeted me with licks and plenty of lovings.
He had been transfered from several stores because no one wanted him.
My boyfriend was head over heels with him, but I wasn't that fond of him at first to tell you the truth.
Yet he was quite fond of me.

It took me about a month to truly fall in love with the ferret now named Larkspur. He became very well mannered. Not the trouble maker he was when we first got him.
I was starting to gain interest in taking pictures of ferrets at the time and he was so photogenic! He still is!
He went from a terrible ferret, who tore up the cage, who pooped in the wrong corner, who bit and drew blood to one of the best ones with the litterbox, one of the best ones with nip training and one of the best ones with his new toys.
Every time I acted frusterated with him, he would change his attitude completely for me.
I loved him so much when I saw these changes. I kid you not I did not train him. He just changed.

Then it was time for us to move.

He was so good during the move.

Let's fast forward to now.

he's quite the blessing. No accidents when he's around if he can help it.
One of the best ferrets I've ever owned. :)

((Also seeing the changes in his coat make me SO HAPPY :D))

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nightshade's story


Nightshade was a gift from my friend Ahote. He bought her for me as a Christmas Gift. She was amazing.
She was bouncy dooky and amazing.
Then one day after we decided to move, everything changed.
She got deathly sick, we rushed her to the vet after noticing a change in her personality. She just wasn't herself, not eating not pooping, nothing.
Once we got in there the vet didn't even check her out when she said she may have to be put down.
I was amazed, upset and stunned.
We left her for several nights.
She amaingly recovered and even bit the nurse


I mean that's not a nice thing to celebrate but that was her, ya know?

She's been a blessing with quite the attitude lol

Friday, February 27, 2009

Shamrock's Story

Well this was when we brought Briar and Aloe home to rehabilitate them... we picked htem up... then we went to fetch them collars and this ferret who's been there for months and months and months was all alone. I decided to play with him and this big guy, literally, he looked like a mobster and talked like one, his name was Paulie.

He approached us and said 'Is he all alone?' I reply with yes.

He looked at us and asked if I liked him.

I said of course! I go to that pet store to visit him all the time.

He picked up the ferret.
Walked to the counter.
Talked to the manager and all of a sudden handed it to me. 'Please take care of him. I want you to have him.' (NO SHIT O.O)

At first I told him it was ok, that he could have him. He shook his head and explained that he bought them for me, the only thing was that he was to be called Uncle Paulie.

He was very sweet and rather old.

Flabbergasted I took the beautiful ferret in my arms and snuggled him, Paulie gave me a big ol hug and told me he knew I had a good heart.

So we brought them home, everyone got a bath. :3

To this day I love my Sham Sham and he loves me! :3 I hope x3;

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I got offered 2 more babes after looking for one more from craigs list

Someone from the humane society contacted me asking me if I was interested in two they had available at the moment.

They have to go together but they are fun and cuddly.
A sable and a silver. I'm quite willing but I don't know at the same time, what do you all think?

Today I wanted to talk about some of the ferrets that have been rescued and passed to the rainbow bridge.

Ivy, he awesome babygirl. She was 10 years old and came with her brother Sumac. She couldn't care for her ferrets any longer and was having a baby and offered us for free. So I told her I'd love to meet them, so we went to her house.
We met Ivy and Sumac, I took to Ivy right away.
She was a sweet quiet girl, but I noticed she started feeling quiet and ill after a month or so. She wasn't acting herself.
I held her, hoping it would pass. I wrapped her in her favorite towel and she cuddled with me and fell asleep.
Unfortunately during that cuddle, she passed peacefully in my arms.

Sumac came with Ivy, he too was around 10. He hated my kits without Ivy around, so he had to be rehomed, unfortunately I was told he passed on shortly after.
I personally think he wanted to be by her side, he may have known something was wrong and wanted to hold on a little longer.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My reason for Rescuing

Above is a picture of my first two rescues.

We found them through a friend who had heard a radio ad about the two and a cage.
They had been beaten and thrown out of their house. A woman was kind enough to pick them up and put them on the radio station's list for sale.

150.00 for each of them so I happened to have gotten 200.00 as a gift for whatever I wanted from a family member.

I immediately bought them.

They were vicious, they were scared, they screamed when you touched them.
It was a nightmare.
We worked and worked and worked with them until all was well. They calmed down, they started playing and were sweethearts till the very end.

Time came that we had to move. It was hard on me because I knew Rath wouldn't survive the move, he hated change, he loved the climate of Kentucky and whatnot.

We found a woman who had 4 children, they wanted a ferret, but a baby was just not an option. I told them that Rath and Ara were good beginner ferrets, they were calm but playful, they put up with anything.

I let them come meet the ferrets, checked their house, told them to study up on ferret proofing and what I believed needed to be proofed before they took them home.

She gave us 60.00 for the cage, and they left a month after meeting them.

I cried the whole way there.

But it was for the best.
The woman kept in contact and I decided they were to be the mascots for my rescue.
Ever since them I wanted to help ferrets in need, and specialize in ferrets once I go to Veterinary School.

It was a happy story.

So let me introduce you to each one.

This sweet boy is Ratholomue/Rath, with his favorite toy. He was a good boy once he knew we weren't gonna hurt him. He was a lot of work. I took him everywhere, he loved me and I loved him. We did everything together. One day even we took him to participate in a parade. He learned to sit up, he learned to roll over and learned that when I curled him up against my chest it was nap time. He never complained. :)
He, in my opinion was the hardest to let go.

Here is Araphina. She was a daddy's girl. She wasn't as easy going as Rath was so she didn't get taken out that much out in the open. She loved to climb trees, she loved to climb everything. She was a cuddle bug. She was calmer than Rath in many aspects, she refused to learn tricks but it was fine. Ara was a good girl, she loved the family right away. It made me happy to know she was happy.

These guys hold a very special place in my heart and always will.

So thank you Ara and Rath, you guys were the best. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

So today was the day Aloe left us.
It was a rather sad day, but quite happy at the same time.
I had just finished giving him a bath when she arrived.
The sweetest girl you'd ever meet! She was such an animal lover, her sister said if they let her she'd have 1000000 ferrets haha I could definately relate.
I didn't cry this time around, though I truly wanted to.
He was a sweetheart while it lasted, very loving and now he's gone to a better place, never to know the horrors of what was bestowed upon him when he first left the petstore.
That poor abused thing is very happy now. I have all her contact information and will definately keep in touch.
Running a rescue is hard because you get so attatched so quickly. But you know it's for the best. Especially in my case.
I meerely LOOK at a ferret and I'm in love :C
But it's ok now.
She called and let me know she got home safely and he was exploring her house and she was following him and he was definately dooking.
That brought so much joy to my heart.

I also, at the last minute found out something very cute about him.
He loves playing Peekaboo.

In other news I took Actinite out and about again and got him a brand new collar, a nice Green, since he sports it so well.
He also, every time we go to Petco HAS to have a Loofah Dog >:C Like he STEALS it off the shelf and puts it in the basket when we're not looking

So I broke down today and got him one xD lol!